
Welcome DVFREE Tick partners AIG & NIWA

Jun 17, 2020

We belatedly welcome and congratulate our newest DVFREE Tick partners AIG NZ Ltd and NIWA, who earned their accreditation in February and March respectively. The AIG Team are pictured here just after being presented their DVFREE Tick certificate during their morning tea as part of Shine’s Light It Orange campaign.

“AIG recognises that domestic violence is a serious issue in New Zealand with a far-reaching impact on those who experience it, their family and the wider community. At AIG, we believe it is our responsibility to do what is within our power, as an organisation, to stop domestic violence, keep our people safe, prevent future domestic violence from occurring and be a part of the nationwide solution.” Tony McHarg, CEO

“NIWA is committed to supporting staff who are experiencing family violence to be safe at work and to assist them to become safe in their home environment. We believe that this is another way we can actively contribute to a culture of inclusion within NIWA, ensuring that family violence is not tolerated or excused and the appropriate support is given to our people.” John Morgan, CEO